Hungry Ghost

"Hungry Ghost" is about a man who has been a jerk most all of his life. Then one night he is confronted with his past life and long forgotten memories which forces a reassessment of the meaning of life. Imagine if Scrooge's fateful encounter with his past actually happened while laying on a couch talking to Freud.

"Hungry Ghost" is a one-person performance piece in the guise of a stand-up comedy set.

"Hungry Ghost." It is a one-person performance piece in the guise of a stand-up comedy set about a guy who has been a jerk for most of his life, and he has come to a moment where he tries to find out why he is the way he is. He navigates a journey through the absurd as well as the darker elements of his life. Imagine if Freud was Scrooge's therapist. The entire piece is two hours, but it’s put together in an episodic nature so you can watch it all at once or in pieces. Enjoy